Dr rosling gapminder software

Professor of international health at karolinska institute and cofounder and chairman of the gapminder foundation, dr. Animated global statistics that everyone can understand. Please try to use it and tell us what you miss or if anything isnt working. The americas, africa and europe each have a population of about one billion, while asias population is about four billion in hans roslings phrase, the pin code of the world is 1114. He is cofounder and chairman of the gapminder foundation, which developed the trendalyzer software system. Hans rosling shows how to use gapminder desktop to present global. Countries on a lower income level have lower data quality in general, as less resources are available for compiling statistics. What presentation software does hans rosling use in his.

Even the most worldly and welltraveled among us have had their perspectives shifted by hans rosling. Rosling is a founder of gapminder, a nonprofit group based in stockholm that works to educate the public about disparities in health and wealth around the world by offering animated. Dollar street is the brainchild of anna rosling where she uses photos as data to make everyday life on different income all read more all videos. Cette appellation doit etre comprise comme docteur en sciences et correspond au plus haut degre universitaire. The best stats youve ever seen hans rosling youtube. Three minutes with hans rosling will change your mind.

Download gapminder s slides, free to modify and use in any way you like. Hans rosling at the child survival call to action event in washington, d. Hans rosling, visionary global health leader who used data. Edutainer, hans rosling is a wellknown public speaker on global change, listed as one of the 100 most. Hans rosling brings life, humor, swordswallowing to. Hans rosling, cofounder of the gapminder foundation, visualizes global health trends and population numbers transforming dry poverty and development statistics into internet sensations. Rosling is professor of international health at swedens karolinska institute, and founder of gapminder, a nonprofit that brings vital global data to life. How to use gapminder desktop installation instructions windows, mac and linux 1. Hans rosling professor, international health, karolinska institute.

Five important lessons we can learn from statistician hans. This technology will be installed automatically if it is not already on your computer you may need to ask a computer administrator for help installing this software. They can be reused freely but please attribute gapminder. What rosling does, in a nutshell, is animate graphs. Rosling decided early on that a better way to change the world, than being out on the research field, was to educate the public. He was the professor of international health at karolinska institute and was the co founder and chairman of the gapminder foundation, which developed the trendalyzer software system.

So he began his career in data visualisation and presenting. Imagine everyone living on one long street sorted by income. Explaining the global vaccination programs is not a partykiller. Their annual conferences bring together the worlds most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. Watch hans rosling answer huge factquestions in less than 90 seconds. Anyways, i have made that bubble module halfbaked in shiny. Usaid cc bync hans rosling the founder of gapminder and the visionary swedish professor of. Hans rosling couple years back, and ever since ive been his fan.

Rosling is professor of international health at swedens karolinska institute, and founder of gapminder, a nonprofit that brings vital global data. Gapminder has adjusted the picture for many such differences, but still we recommend you take these numbers with a large grain of salt. Here are the slides used in our public presentations and ted talks. In 2005, rosling, ola and anna founded the nonprofit gapminder foundation in stockholm to develop the movingbubble software, trendalyzer, and to. I think the bubble graphs done in gapminder application are one of the best visualization design. Ronnlund shows how dollar street lets you see what life really looks like behind the income statistics. This software allows you to show animated statistics from your own laptop. He held presentations around the world, including several ted. In this ted talk hans rosling presents the results of our public surveys that shows that.

He was the professor of international health at karolinska institute and was the cofounder and chairman of the gapminder foundation, which developed the trendalyzer software system. Hans rosling was a swedish physician, academic, and public speaker. One dot showing, for example, life expectancy in britain, is quite unremarkable, but apply roslings software, and, at the click of a mouse. Rosling developed the breakthrough software behind his visualizations through his nonprofit gapminder, founded with his son and daughterinlaw.